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There are a range of badges that each Cub can achieve. A full list of all the badges can be found here

These are currently the ones we are working towards:

Scientist Badge

To gain this badge, Cub Scouts must complete six activities, three from Part A and three from Part B.

For each, explain or show to a leader what has been done and the conclusions you have come to.

Part A - The physical world

  1. Make a simple switch. Show how it could be used to control a light bulb powered by a battery.

  2. Show how electrical currents produce magnetic, chemical and heating effects, and explain what happens.

  3. Show that hot air rises.

  4. Make an artificial rainbow by splitting up a beam of white light.

  5. Make a pin-hole camera and understand the principles of operation.

  6. Keep simple weather records over a month, e.g. rainfall, temperature, cloud cover, wind direction.

  7. Make a simple compass and show the effects of metallic and magnetic materials upon it.

  8. Make a simple periscope.

  9. Show how to recover dissolved substances from a water solution.

  10. Recognise three different constellations.

  11. Make a model to show how the earth orbits the sun.

Part B - The living world

  1. Make some yoghurt and find out how living organisms are involved in the process.

  2. Grow cress (or a similar plant) and investigate what happens when light and water are excluded from it.

  3. Use a net and jar to find out how many different creatures live in the water and mud at the edge of a pond.

  4. Set up a wormery or ant colony and record the activity over a few weeks.

  5. Grow a bean or pea. When the root and shoot are visible investigate what happens when the seed is turned upside down and left to continue growing.

  6. Collect seeds from various plants and discover how these are protected and dispersed.

  7. Grow crystals or make crystal shapes from paper

  8. Investigate what happens to your pulse rate before, during and after exercise. 

Local Knowledge Badge

 To gain this badge, Cub Scouts must complete three of the following:

  1. Either:

    1. Find out about a famous person, past or present, who lived in or near where you live.

    2. Visit and find out about a famous old building, monument, earthworks or other place of historical interest. In either case, discuss what you have found out with your Leader and/or other Cub Scouts.

  2. Find out the meaning of, and collect pictures of, either your County, Borough, District, town or village coat of arms. Tell a leader in how many different places you have seen the coat of arms displayed.

  3. Talk to someone who has lived in your local area for a long time. Find out about what life was like when they were young and what changes they have seen in your local area over the intervening years.

  4. Draw a map of your area and mark on it places of interest.

  5. With other Cub Scouts, go on a short walk in your local area. Point out to the leader any features of interest.

  6. Visit a local emergency services station such as police, fire, ambulance services, coastguard or mountain rescue. Find out how the station is run. 

Camper Badge

 To gain this award, Cub Scouts must complete the following:

  1. With other Cub Scouts, camp under canvas for at least three nights (not necessarily on the same occasion).

  2. Help pack personal kit for a Cub Scout camp.

  3. Help to pitch and strike a tent and know how to take care of it.

  4. At camp, help to prepare, cook, serve and clear away a simple meal, if possible out-of-doors.

  5. Know how to look after yourself and be safe at camp. Know how to prepare for tent and kit inspection.

  6. Take part in at least three of the following while at camp:

    1. camp fire

    2. Scouts' Own

    3. wide game

    4. joint activity with other Cub Scouts on site or from a local Group

    5. a good turn for the site

    6. help to tidy up the campsite before they leave.