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There are a range of badges that each Beaver can achieve. A full list of all the badges can be found here

Core badges

In addition, there are a number of core badges, obtained upon joining or moving on from the Colony, or for time spent in the Scouting movement.

Challenge badges

Gaining a challenge badge involves accomplishing a number of more ambitious tasks within the Colony or community. There are several challenge badges across a number of themes, from the physical and outdoorsy to challenges dealing with the local community or issues connected with the Scouting world.

Activity badges

Many of the badges available are activity badges, which allow Beaver Scouts to show their progress in existing pursuits, but also to try all kinds of new things and form new interests.



Core Badges

Membership Award Badge

Healthy Eating Badge

This award has been designed to help Beaver Scouts understand the commitment that they are making when they make their Promise and become Members of the Movement and the Beaver Scout section.


  • It is recommended that Beaver Scouts complete the following activities in areas one and two before they make their Promise and the badge is awarded.

Area one - Know about the Colony

  • attend at least four meetings
  • get to know other members and leaders in the Colony
  • find out about ceremonies and traditions in the Colony
  • find out about activities available in the Colony.

Area two - Know about joining the Colony

  • know and show an understanding of the Beaver Scout Promise
  • know and show an understanding of the Scout Motto, sign and handshake
  • know what to do at your Investiture
  • know the meaning of the badges you will receive at their Investiture
  • show a general knowledge of the family of Scouts, worldwide Scouting and the history of Scouting.

Area Three - Promise

  • become a Beaver Scout by making the Promise.

Moving On Award

Healthy Eating Badge

This Award is presented to a Beaver Scout when he or she is invested into the Cub Scout Pack. The Investiture should take place on their first official meeting as a Cub Scout.

This award helps ease the transfer of a Beaver Scout to the Cub Scout Pack.

It also allows the Beaver Scout to be invested into the Pack immediately, recognising that they are already a Member of the Scout Movement. The young person should wear the award throughout their time with the section.

To complete the Moving-on Award, a Beaver Scout must:

  • know about the Cub Scout Pack
  • know about joining the Cub Scout Pack
  • renew the Promise

Know about the Cub Scout Pack

  • attend meetings of both the Beaver Scout Colony and the Cub Scout Pack for at least four weeks and take an active part in both programmes
  • get to know the Members and Leaders of your Six and Pack
  • find out about the ceremonies and traditions in the Pack
  • find out about the activities available to your Six and Pack.

Know about joining the Cub Scout Pack

  • know and show an understanding of the Cub Scout Promise and Law
  • know and show an understanding of the Scout Motto, Sign, Salute and Handshake
  • know what to do at your Investiture
  • know the meaning of the badges you will receive at Investiture. This should include extending your understanding of the family of Scouting and worldwide Scouting.

Renew the Promise

  • become a member of the Cub Scout Pack by renewing the Promise.

Joining In Awards

Healthy Eating Badge Healthy Eating Badge

The Joining In badges recognise a commitment to Scouting. They celebrate Beaver Scouts participating in a Balanced Programme over a period of time.

These badges are not section specific. They recognise the length of time a young person has been a Member of the Scout Movement, rather than as a Member of any individual section.

Presenting the awards

  • In the Colony, up to two Joining In badges can be earned.
  • The first would normally be presented one year after the Beaver Scout has joined the Colony.
  • The award acknowledges and celebrates an active involvement in a Balanced Programme.
  • Some Colonies award a Joining In badge around the time of a Beaver Scout's birthday.

Wearing the badge

There is no requirement to remove the previous Joining In Badge when a new one is presented.

Challenge Badges

Chief Scout Bronze Award

Healthy Eating Badge

This badge is the highest award available in the Beaver Scout section.

It is gained by completing:

  • Creative Challenge
  • Fitness Challenge
  • Friendship Challenge
  • Global Challenge
  • Outdoor Challenge
  • Promise Challenge.


If a Beaver Scout has not quite completed the requirements for the Chief Scout's Bronze Award when they move on to the Cub Scout Pack, they may complete them in their first few weeks in the Cub Scout Pack.


Creative Challenge Badge

Healthy Eating Badge

For this challenge, the Beaver Scout must complete four activities, at least one from each area.


  • act or mime a simple scene
  • learn a new song and sing it
  • make a model out of something, such as junk, kit or Lego
  • make an instrument and play it.


  • try some simple cooking, like making cakes or decorating biscuits
  • make a hot drink safely.

Outdoor Challenge Badge

Healthy Eating Badge

Preparing for a visit

  • pack a healthy picnic meal
  • know what to put in your rucksack for a day visit. This could be a cagoule, drinks, lunch and waterproofs etc
  • help put up a tent.


  • go on a visit to a place of interest. This could be a park, campsite, activity centre, historic building, beach or similar
  • visit a Cub Scout Pack holiday or Scout camp.


  • take part in an outdoor activity. For example, swimming, climbing, grass sledging, treasure hunt, canal boating etc
  • attend a Sleepover
  • learn and use two knots
  • follow a laid-out trail.

Friendship Challenge Badge

Healthy Eating Badge

Caring for others

  • know what to do in an emergency, including calling 999
  • understand how to change simple activities to cater for all needs
  • take part in an activity to help the elderly
  • take part in an activity to help the community
  • raise funds for a good cause.

People far away

  • find out about four different aspects of life in another country. For example: national costume, food, currency or climate etc as a Colony, create a link with another Colony or similar in a different country.

Meeting other people

  • find out about the job or interest of someone in their community, such as a religious leader, dentist, a musician etc
  • arrange a visit to or from someone who serves the community. For example - a police officer, lifeboat crew, coastguard, fire fighter etc
  • join in activities with another Colony.

Promise Badge

Healthy Eating Badge

Beaver Scout Promise

  • explain how they have recently 'done their best' on at least two occasions and how this made a difference
  • help a new Beaver Scout in the Colony to learn the Beaver Scout Promise
  • take part in an Investiture ceremony or similar
  • attend at least two Colony Forums/Log Chews.

Your God

  • take part in an act of worship with others in the Colony, such as a parade at a place of worship, and/or a Scouts' Own
  • learn two facts about their faith community and tell the rest of the Colony about them
  • write and read a prayer for their Colony's opening or closing ceremony
  • attain the Faith Activity Badge.

Rights and wrongs

  • help review an event or activity with the rest of the Colony
  • visit a place of worship other than their own
  • learn about fair trade, the right to clean water etc
  • listen to a story from a faith tradition which gives examples of good and bad and talk about it afterwards
  • write down some ideas that could help to make the Beaver meetings more fun for everyone.

Global Challenge Badge

Healthy Eating Badge


  • learn about fair trade products
  • taste and/or prepare food from around the world
  • learn about different faiths and beliefs
  • take part in a tradition from around the UK. This could be about preparing local food, folk dancing or singing songs etc. Examples include cheese rolling, well dressing, maypole dancing
  • play or make an instrument from another country. For example a didgeridoo, drums, castanets or rain sticks, etc.

World Scouting

  • learn a Promise from another country
  • learn a greeting in another language
  • take part in a Scouting activity from another country
  • meet a Scout from another country.


  • organise an activity to clean up the environment, eg litter pick
  • learn about the Country Code
  • get involved in a recycling project, such as for paper, glass or ink cartridges
  • plant trees or flowers
  • learn how to save energy
  • learn about wildlife conservation.

Fitness Challenge Badge

Healthy Eating Badge

Agility and fitness

  • take part in a team game
  • take part in agility activities eg balancing a book on their head etc
  • take part in cooperative games, eg parachute games.


  • go for an accompanied walk
  • take part in a keep fit session
  • try one new sport, eg rugby, tennis etc.


  • learn about and taste a variety of healthy foods
  • monitor heartbeat after different activity and understand the reasons for change
  • design a poster which promotes healthy eating.

 Activity Badges

Adventure Badge

Adventure Badge

To gain this badge, Beaver Scouts must take part in three activities with other Beaver Scouts that will provide adventure. Two should be activities that you have not tried before.

Examples include:

  1. Treasure hunt

  2. Following a laid trail

  3. Grass sledging

  4. Journey using a new form of transport

  5. Making and sailing a model boat

  6. Climbing

  7. Abseiling

  8. Swimming

  9. Canal boating

  10. An adventure walk around a park

  11. Visiting a pier


Explore Badge

Explore Badge

To gain this badge, Beaver Scouts must complete the following:

  1. Decide what or where to explore.
  2. Think about what you expect to find.
  3. Go on the exploration.
  4. Tell others in the Colony what you have discovered.




Faith Badge

Faith Badge

To gain this badge, Beaver Scouts must complete the following:

  1. Write a prayer or reflection.
  2. Read or share a prayer at the opening or closing ceremony or some other time.
  3. Find and tell a story that relates to the Beaver Scout Promise.
  4. Visit a place of worship and show evidence of your visit with photographs, drawings, handouts, leaflets or information sheets.



Creative Badge 

Creative Badge

To gain this badge, Beaver Scouts must complete the following:

  1. Write a prayer or reflection.
  2. Read or share a prayer at the opening or closing ceremony or some other time.
  3. Find and tell a story that relates to the Beaver Scout Promise.
  4. Visit a place of worship and show evidence of your visit with photographs, drawings, handouts, leaflets or information sheets.



Animal Friend Badge

Animal Friends Badge

To gain this badge, Beaver Scouts must complete the following:

  1. Know how to care for an animal, fish or insect.
  2. Help to take care of an animal for one month.
  3. Tell others in the Colony about the animal.
  4. Know about the correct food to feed the animal, including type, variety and quantity.
  5. Know about the habitat of the animal, such as where it sleeps etc.
  6. Know how to exercise the animal.
  7. Keep a record of the food given to the animal and what you do with the animal for a period of two weeks.

Experiment Badge

Experiment Badge

To gain this badge, Beaver Scouts must complete the following:

  1. Decide an experiment to carry out and try and work out what might happen.
  2. Investigate something of interest to find out how it works; or grow something from seed.
  3. Tell others in the Colony what you saw and discovered.




Imagination Badge

Imagination Badge

To gain this badge, Beaver Scouts must complete the following:

  1. Write, tell or act a short story, poem or play.
  2. Build a model using a variety of objects.
  3. Build a collage, draw or paint a picture imagining what life might be like in the future.




Safety Badge

Safety Badge

To gain this badge, Beaver Scouts must complete the following:

  1. Explain the Green Cross code.
  2. Explain the water safety code.
  3. Say what to do when approached by a stranger
  4. Identify possible dangers around the house and say what to do about them.




Hobbies Badge

Hobbies Badge

Complete the following:

  1. Take part in a chosen hobby for an agreed period.
  2. Tell and show the Colony the chosen hobby.





Health And Fitness Badge 

Health Fitness  Badge

To gain this badge, Beaver Scouts must complete the following:

  1. Learn about foods that are good for you.
  2. Learn about the value of keeping fit.
  3. Plan a healthy meal.
  4. Tell others in the Colony about a sport or activity you take part in.
  5. Learn about personal hygiene.


Air Activities Badge

Air Activities Badge

To gain this badge, Beaver Scouts must complete the following:

  1. Make a paper dart out of paper and see how well it flies.
  2. Find out about a particular aeroplane and tell others in the Colony about it. Examples might be Concorde, Spitfire, Airbus, Lynx helicopter etc.
  3. Talk to someone who has flown in a plane, helicopter or hot air balloon and find out what it was like.
  4. If you have already flown in a plane, tell others in the Colony what it was like. If not, tell them what you would like to fly in, and why.


Healthy Eating Badge 

Healthy Eating Badge

Complete the following:

  1. Make a fruit salad.
  2. Make a healthy snack.
  3. Make two different sandwiches.
  4. List some unhealthy foods.



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