Remember Me
There are a range of badges that each Beaver can achieve. A full list of all the badges can be found here
In addition, there are a number of core badges, obtained upon joining or moving on from the Colony, or for time spent in the Scouting movement.
Gaining a challenge badge involves accomplishing a number of more ambitious tasks within the Colony or community. There are several challenge badges across a number of themes, from the physical and outdoorsy to challenges dealing with the local community or issues connected with the Scouting world.
Many of the badges available are activity badges, which allow Beaver Scouts to show their progress in existing pursuits, but also to try all kinds of new things and form new interests.
Core Badges
Membership Award Badge
This award has been designed to help Beaver Scouts understand the commitment that they are making when they make their Promise and become Members of the Movement and the Beaver Scout section.
Area one - Know about the Colony
Area two - Know about joining the Colony
Area Three - Promise
Moving On Award
This award helps ease the transfer of a Beaver Scout to the Cub Scout Pack.
It also allows the Beaver Scout to be invested into the Pack immediately, recognising that they are already a Member of the Scout Movement. The young person should wear the award throughout their time with the section.
To complete the Moving-on Award, a Beaver Scout must:
Know about the Cub Scout Pack
Know about joining the Cub Scout Pack
Renew the Promise
The Joining In badges recognise a commitment to Scouting. They celebrate Beaver Scouts participating in a Balanced Programme over a period of time.
These badges are not section specific. They recognise the length of time a young person has been a Member of the Scout Movement, rather than as a Member of any individual section.
Presenting the awards
Wearing the badge
There is no requirement to remove the previous Joining In Badge when a new one is presented.
Chief Scout Bronze Award
This badge is the highest award available in the Beaver Scout section.
It is gained by completing:
If a Beaver Scout has not quite completed the requirements for the Chief Scout's Bronze Award when they move on to the Cub Scout Pack, they may complete them in their first few weeks in the Cub Scout Pack.
Creative Challenge Badge
For this challenge, the Beaver Scout must complete four activities, at least one from each area.
Outdoor Challenge Badge
Preparing for a visit
Friendship Challenge Badge
Caring for others
People far away
Meeting other people
Beaver Scout Promise
Your God
Rights and wrongs
World Scouting
Agility and fitness
Activity Badges
Adventure Badge
To gain this badge, Beaver Scouts must take part in three activities with other Beaver Scouts that will provide adventure. Two should be activities that you have not tried before.
Examples include:
Treasure hunt
Following a laid trail
Grass sledging
Journey using a new form of transport
Making and sailing a model boat
Canal boating
An adventure walk around a park
Visiting a pier
Explore Badge
To gain this badge, Beaver Scouts must complete the following:
Complete the following:
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